5 New Year's Resolutions for Better Sun Protection

Rayward Apparel

As we say goodbye to 2020 (or good riddance), and ring in 2021, don’t forget to pause a moment to consider your New Year’s resolutions. Along with your personal goals and aspirations for 2021, consider these five resolutions for better sun protection. Whether you’re resolving to keep or start these sun safety goals, the important thing is that they’ll help you have a safer, more enjoyable 2021. Because let’s face it, 2020 itself felt like a bad sunburn. It’s been painful, uncomfortable, irritating and at times seemed like it just wouldn’t go away. And while we don’t know what 2021 has in store for each of us, we do have control over whether or not we face it with our best sun protection.

Sun Protection Resolution #1: Wear More Sun Protection Clothing

You probably saw this one coming, but wearing more sun protection clothing should be on everyone’s list of New Year’s resolutions for 2021. Not only does UPF-rated UV clothing offer better sun protection, it also looks and feels great. Shop our favorite UV-protective clothing, including Rayward Apparel’s Sun Bound collection of UPF 50+ shirts, and start 2021 right.

Sunset paddleboarding with UPF apparel

Sun Protection Resolution #2: Apply (and Reapply) Sunscreen as Recommended

Many sunburns aren’t the result of neglecting to use sunscreen, but rather neglecting to use it properly. The key with most broad spectrum sunscreens is to apply them approximately 15 minutes before you step out into the sun. The next critical component in proper sunscreen use is to reapply it at least every 2 hours, and more often if you’re sweating or swimming. Therefore, for 2021, resolve to have better sun protection by following the recommended application (and reapplication) directions for your favorite broad-spectrum sunscreen.

Sun Protection Resolution #3: Pay More Attention to the Weather

Part of achieving better sun protection requires understanding how the weather impacts your risks of skin damage and UV exposure. First off, when it comes to the weather and UV protection, know that looks can be deceiving. Even with cloud cover or overcast skies, UV rays still penetrate through to cause skin damage. Additionally, cooler outside temperatures may disguise the fact that your skin is still being bombarded with damaging UV rays. A great resource to check before going outdoors is the UV Index, which measures the daily levels of UV exposure by location. Armed with more knowledge and a better focus on the weather, you’ll be ready to fend off the sun in 2021. 

Overcast skies with a rainbow

Sun Protection Resolution #4: Schedule a Skin Exam

This sun safety resolution is actually a three-parter, with the first step being to schedule a skin exam with a doctor. The second, of course, is to then have that skin exam. If you haven’t had one recently (or ever), a skin exam is critical for getting a benchmark for your skin’s health. A routine skin exam will also help to familiarize you with the warning signs of skin damage and skin cancer. Remember, early detection is critical in the fight against cancer, and skin exams help ensure the warning signs aren’t missed. Oh, and the third part? To follow the advice of your doctor, and to continually monitor your skin’s health. Now, grab your phone, and start 2021 by scheduling a skin exam. Next, go to that exam. Lastly, follow the advice you get at the exam.

Sun Protection Resolution #5: Have an Adventure

Your fifth resolution for better sun protection in 2021 is to go on an adventure! At first, this might sound counter to typical sun safety advice, but Rayward Apparel isn’t your typical clothing company. With our UPF clothing designed for the sun, and the better sun protection achieved by sticking with resolutions #1-4, you no longer have to be afraid of the sun. There’s a reason our motto is “More Adventure, Less Exposure,” and not “Stay Inside and Hide from the Skin.” Enjoying the outdoors is not only a huge part of our lives, but it’s also healthy, rewarding and fun. Make sure you feed your need for adventure in 2021—just don’t forget your sun protection!

Taking a tropical beach adventure with better sun protection

Make 2021 a year to remember for the right reason! Resolve to take better care of your skin, starting with these five resolutions for better sun safety. By doing so, you’ll leave sunburns, skin damage and the like behind, and greet the New Year with a better sun protection plan that helps you make the most of 2021.

We wish you a safe and happy New Year full of adventure!

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